New Episode: Faster Purple Worm! Kill! Kill! on DnD Adventures Freevee and Plex

I'm a special guest in this week’s episode of Faster Purple Worm Kill Kill, titled  "Everyone Dies Stealing a Pickle!"

Matthew Lillard leads our fair DnD party made up of Seth Green, Freddie Wong, Noura Ibrahim and I as we race to certain doom on a quest for a DOOMED PICKLE. Hosted by Bill Rehor!

I am very proud of my schlorpy lil' character who remains valiant until the bitter end!

Watch on Freevee and Plex tonight, 12/21 Thursday at 9p PST and 9p EST, and catch it again 12/23 this Saturday on the DnD Adventures channel!

HOW TO WATCH: Go to the link below and select LIVE TV and scroll to the Dungeons and Dragons channel when it's time to go live! If you miss the live broadcast, then you can always tune into Plex as it will be available as a VOD next week!

